I was a tutor/TA for the following courses. ANU COMP3610/6361: Principles of Programming Languages (2021 semester 2) ANU COMP1600/6260: Foundations of Computing (2021 semester 2) ANU COMP3704: Network Security (2021 semester 2) ANU COMP1600/6260: Foundations of Computing (2019 semester 2) ANU COMP2700: Cyber Security Foundations (2019 semester 2) ANU COMP2620/6262: Logic (2019 semester 1) ANU COMP1600/6260: Foundations of Computing (2018 semester 2) ANU COMP2700: Cyber Security Foundations (2018 semester 2) CMU 80-405/705 Game Theory (2017 Spring) CMU 80-211 Logic and Mathematical Inquiry (2016 Fall) CMU 80-210: Logic and Proofs (2015 Fall, 2016 Spring)